John Naber

This is Congress-driven USOPC 'reform'? A 73-year-old gets one 'athlete' board spot, a 64-year-old another

This is Congress-driven USOPC 'reform'? A 73-year-old gets one 'athlete' board spot, a 64-year-old another

Once again, we turn to maybe the very best thing Mark Twain said, a turn of phrase I noted in a column a few years back and repeat for emphasis, because when it comes to Congress and the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee, you know:

“Suppose you were an idiot,” Twain said. “And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.”

In this context, we turn to the purported “reform” of the USOPC, its new members of the board of directors formally announced Monday.

After years of investigations and Congressionally mandated governance fixes purportedly designed to fix everything, this — this — is it?