Peng Shuai

PGA-LIV settle: 'stunning' only if you believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny or unicorns

PGA-LIV settle: 'stunning' only if you believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny or unicorns

There’s an old saying that’s especially apt in the wake of Tuesday’s news that the PGA Tour and LIV Golf have settled, a purportedly “stunning” announcement. 

It’s stunning only if you believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or unicorns. 

Because, as ever, money talks and BS walks. 

Here’s the saying: 

When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, holler.

Money talks, always: Where is Peng Shuai? China. Where is WTA headed back? China

Money talks, always: Where is Peng Shuai? China. Where is WTA headed back? China

The women’s professional tennis tour is headed back to China, announcing Thursday the end of the boycott linked to concerns over former player Peng Shuai.

Wait! What about the moral high ground? The pre-Beijing 2022 Winter Games lecturing by so many in the West to China, repeated as gospel by willing journalistic interlocutors? The veneration over the past several months of WTA chairman and chief executive Steve Simon, who as recently as last month was saying the women’s tour would return to China only when 1/ it could directly contact Peng and 2/ the Chinese authorities conducted a “full, fair and transparent” investigation?

What about the self-appointed high priests from the many tribes of the reflexively high-dudgeon and sanctimoniously judgmental?